2008-12-30 11:49:25 UTC
Hi there,
I really need som help. I have had Photoshop Album 2.0 for a long time now.
For Christmas I got the new version PSE 7.0
The problem is that the convertion with my .psa Catalog to .pse Catalog.
'b'In PSE7 I do following:
'b'-go into Catalog manager
'b'-push the convert-button on top right side
'b'-select My catalog-1-1.psa
'b'-push convert
'b'-it starts converting but stop at 22%
'b'-the this message "the conversion failed.Try repairing the catalog with 'b'the software that created it and retry conversion.
'b'-I have gone into PSA2.0 and repaired the catalog successfully.
'b'But still I have the same problem when trying to convert again.
I really need som help. I have had Photoshop Album 2.0 for a long time now.
For Christmas I got the new version PSE 7.0
The problem is that the convertion with my .psa Catalog to .pse Catalog.
'b'In PSE7 I do following:
'b'-go into Catalog manager
'b'-push the convert-button on top right side
'b'-select My catalog-1-1.psa
'b'-push convert
'b'-it starts converting but stop at 22%
'b'-the this message "the conversion failed.Try repairing the catalog with 'b'the software that created it and retry conversion.
'b'-I have gone into PSA2.0 and repaired the catalog successfully.
'b'But still I have the same problem when trying to convert again.